Your world is just the result of what you think
Your whole Life Experiences are created by your Consciousness. Go within, because everything already exists within yourself…
自己的思想創造出生命中的所有體驗 your thought creates all your experiences in life.
Understand the basic principle of every life reality you have- thought creates everything. Everyone’s world is precisely formed by the own personal ideas; You are just the result of your own thoughts, It is your own thought that creates all the experiences in life.
Go within, focus on the present,
be at peace
Go within, focus on the present, be at peace, because the heart knows anything it needs. Confidently know that you are at the right place at this moment. Because no matter what kind of situation you are in, it is created by your powerful thought. Why not just begin with positive and wonderful thoughts about yourself? There is no need to consider what other people think of yourself. The important thing is to believe in and love yourself completely and unconditionally!
Recognise You are the one who creates every incident in your life
當自己看重自己,才能完全明白自己才是自己世界裏真正的主人,自信知嘵自己的真實身份- 一個強而有力的生活創造者,並明白生命中的一切都只始於自己內在思想,自己的世界是精準依照自己內心的想法所形成的。當堅信“思想創造一切”,並知道自己內在所包含的就是一切時,這個無懈可擊的信念也會開始轉變自己生命的體驗和地球上的生活,進而深刻明瞭是自己一手策劃了生命中的所有事件,創造了每一個體驗,因爲是自己自願參與形成它們 … 僅僅是為了自己和他人更高的良善和成長。
When you value yourself, you will fully understand that you can utterly master your life in the world, and confidently know your true identity- a powerful creator of life. Then, realise that everything in life begins only with your inner thought. The world you are in is precisely formed according to your own thoughts. When you profoundly believe that «thought creates everything», and know that your inner thoughts contain everything- this powerful belief will also begin to change your experience and life on earth. Furthermore, you begin to profoundly recognise that you are planning every event, incident, and creating every experience on your own in life, because you voluntarily participate in forming them… simply for the further expansion and higher growth of life for yourself and others.
Pay attention to your inner world
be responsible for what you think
從當下這一刻開始選擇讓自己隨時關注內心世界,對自己所思所想負責;並明智的運用積極、高振動的意圖,進行有意識地創造自己真正嚮往的體驗 ,然後,隨心所欲的到達一個完美和平、豐盛和諧的生活- 並允許讓它不斷開始在自己每天的生活中顯化發生。
From this moment onwards, choose to let yourself pay attention to your inner world at any moment in life, and be responsible for what you think; Wisely use high-vibrational, positive intention to deliberately create and manifest the life experience you truly prefer. By doing so, the perfect peace and abundance in life can be realised as you like. Allow it to continue to begin to manifest itself in your everyday life.
Deliberately create life experience with positive thoughts,
Live life with fullest joy
提起勇氣,時時提醒自己從來都不存在任何限制,自己絕對值得得到內心任何真正想要的一切;好好善待和愛自己,通過進入內在去誠實面對生命中所有的真實渴望,勇敢活出自己的真實所是,積極用正面思想創造自己的體驗,讓自己的生活喜悅了,外部世界自然就相應改變了,那麼最終會發生的是:豐盛和諧的世界開始為自己顯化為現實!因爲,自己的一切只是自己所思所想的結果- 自我內心嚮往的美好世界早已存在,它一直深深長存於自己的內在…。
Be brave. Always remind yourself that there is never ever any limitation. You are absolutely worthy of whatever you really want in your heart; Be kind to yourself, and love yourself. Honestly face all of your true desires in life by going within, and bravely be who you truly are. Deliberately utilise any positive thoughts to create your own life experiences. Once you let yourself be joyful in life, the outer world will naturally change accordingly. Then, the harmonious world with abundance will begin to manifest for you into reality! »Your Whole World Is Just The Result Of What You Think»- the beautiful, wonderful world you always desire has already existed, and it has already existed deeply within….
and the external world will naturally change accordingly. Then what will eventually happen is: the rich and harmonious world begins to manifest itself as a reality! Because, everything I have is just the result of my own thoughts-
Unconditional Love For You. We Are All Complete!
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no matter who you are, just be the love !
Become an unconditional love for yourself and others
Love all existence unconditionally; then, continuously become the kindness and love that you are originally…
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成為無條件的愛是對自己、對他人、對眾生的愛: 是全然的接納生活於自己面前所呈現的狀態, 是無條件接受自己與別人的所有存在;儘管深具挑戰,但盡可能理解到自己與他人都按照著各自目前存在狀態盡心盡力的達到完善;始終去積極尋找自己與別人身上好的ㄧ面,因為這也是一種成為愛的方式。
To become unconditional love is love for oneself, for others, and for all living beings: it is to completely accept the state of life in front of oneself, to unconditionally accept all the existence of oneself and others; although it is challenging, try to understand oneself as much as possible You and others are doing their best to achieve perfection in accordance with their current state of existence; always actively looking for the good side of yourself and others, because this is also a way to become love.
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全然成為愛,毋須批判自己,也毋須評判任何人,善待自己也善待他人, 因爲理解到每個人都像自己一樣的依照著各自的信念系統與方式, 盡心做著自己所能做的, 盡力做著自己認為是對的, 用盡所能的創造一個 »正確世界» 是自己認為別人也能認同的。
Become love at all, no need to criticize yourself, no need to judge anyone, be kind to yourself and others, because I understand that everyone is doing what they can and doing their best according to their belief systems and methods just like themselves. If you think it is right, you can create a “correct world” to the best of your ability.
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用心成為愛,用愛全然接受自己,也用愛學會接納他人;選擇專注於自己所渴望創造的世界,勇敢走在屬於自己所嚮望的生命道路, 真誠的活在每一個當下,真實的活出獨特的自己; 同時,給予自由的去接納所有人也有著相同的資格去創造任何他們所認可的世界、體驗任何他們所想要的體驗。
Become love with your heart, fully accept yourself with love, and learn to accept others with love; choose to focus on the world you desire to create, bravely walk on the path of life that belongs to you, live in every moment sincerely, and live truly At the same time, those who are given the freedom to accept everyone have the same power to create any world they recognize and experience any experience they want.
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專注成為愛,因此意識到,愛讓不一樣的想法可以共存,愛讓不一樣的存在可以共生;學習包容自己,也學會寬容他人,因為每個個體選擇的生命旅程都是不一致的,只有愛是自己和其他存在的真正共同所是;允許讓愛滋養、擁抱、啟發和提升彼此,用愛使對立批判轉化成為理解包容, 共創和諧友善的世界,體驗無限的真正自由。
Concentration becomes love, so I realize that love allows different ideas to coexist, and love allows different existences to coexist; learn to tolerate oneself, and learn to tolerate others, because the life journey of each individual choice is inconsistent, only love It is the true commonality of oneself and other beings; allowing love to nourish, embrace, inspire and enhance each other, use love to transform oppositional criticism into understanding and tolerance, create a harmonious and friendly world, and experience unlimited real freedom.
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不斷不斷地成為更多的愛!在生活的當下成為無條件的愛,在活著的每個時刻都可以充分選擇給予自己與他人愛,讓所有時間全部充滿愛,用全然的愛釋放生活中所有對立與批判。並知曉不論發生了什麼,一切都是很好的,因爲生命從來沒有意外。平和帶著充滿愛的喜悅去生活,然後,允許這個世界讓每個人都能真正活得自由 。
Keep becoming more love! Become unconditional love at the moment of life. At every moment of life, you can fully choose to give yourself and others love, fill all time with love, and release all opposition and criticism in life with total love. And know that no matter what happens, everything is good, because life is never accidental. Live peacefully and joyfully with love, and then allow this world so that everyone can truly live freely.
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先愛自己, 別人才會愛你
love yourself first
you can truly be loved by others!
先無條件的愛上自己, 別人才會真正愛上真實的你
love yourself First Unconditionally before the real you can be Truly loved by others
If you want others to treat yourself in certain way, then you must first treat yourself the way you want…
學會愛每個當下的自己,因爲要先愛上自己, 別人才會愛你…生活僅是一面鏡子,它誠實的反映並真實揭示出自己內心如何看待自己、對待自己…所以,如果想讓別人真正愛上真實的你,那麼自己必須首先無條件的愛上自己。
Learn to love yourself every moment, because you have to fall in love with yourself first, and others will love you…Life is only a mirror, which honestly reflects and truly reveals how you think about yourself and treat yourself in your heart…So, If you want others to truly fall in love with the real you, you must first fall in love with yourself unconditionally.
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如果自己希望感受到更多愛、更多尊重— 當你向外尋找時,會找不到任何人或任何事能讓你持續體驗到你真正想要的感受;而當你明白自己才是自己生命中的真正主人,自己主導並創造著生活的所有ㄧ切,你就會對自己的幸福負責,然後選擇釋放任何 ‘’向外尋求愛‘’ 的念頭,轉而只是沒有條件的接納、欣賞和疼愛自己,因此會在內心持續感受到更多源源不絕對自己的尊敬與愛,進而明白自己早已擁有了原先在外忙碌找尋的愛。
If you want to feel more love and more respect, — when you look outward, you won’t find anyone or anything that allows you to continue to experience the feeling you really want; and when you understand yourself You are the real master in your own life, you dominate and create everything in your life, you will be responsible for your own happiness, and then you will choose to release any thoughts of “seeking love outward” instead of just being unconditional. Accepting, appreciating and loving yourself, so you will continue to feel more love and respect in your heart that is not absolute to yourself, and then understand that you already have the love you were busy looking for outside.
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It all begins with yourself. The first thing you have to do is to make yourself unconditional love, love all the way you are, be kind to yourself, and take good care of yourself. Unconditional love for oneself is based on complete honesty, respect, acceptance and trust in oneself. When you start to learn to love your true self and learn to cherish what you really are, the more you will perceive that you have infinitely strong love within yourself, and realize that you have infinite value just by being pure Oneself will have full respect and love.
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先無條件的愛上自己, 當自己看清自己真實存在的真正價值時,尋求他人的認同與關愛也變地不再首要。學會做到無條件的愛自己所有真實的樣子,理解他人的意見與看法對自己不再最爲重要,而最重要的是自己如何看待自己;因為,只有透過一個人隨時接納並愛上自己真實所是的每一個面向,並懂得了在生活當下無條件的珍視自己,才能看得見自己僅是單純存在就具有無限價值,進而知曉自己只是真實成為自己就絕對值得別人無條件的愛…..
First fall in love with yourself unconditionally. When you see the true value of your own existence, seeking the approval and care of others is no longer the first priority. Learn to love what you are like unconditionally. Understanding the opinions and opinions of others is no longer the most important thing to yourself, but the most important thing is how you look at yourself; because it is only through a person who accepts and loves what you really are at any time Only by knowing every aspect of life, and knowing how to cherish oneself unconditionally at the moment of life, can you see that you have infinite value just by simply being, and then knowing that you just become yourself and you are absolutely worthy of unconditional love from others…
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By first loving all of what you are really like, and in the process of unconditionally respecting, accepting, appreciating and loving yourself, you have perfectly created an endless stream of love for yourself in your life, because these qualities will attract more and more people. The resonant people and conditions reflect these mirror images to yourself, allowing yourself to live in love forever, and at the same time sincerely establish a caring and harmonious relationship with others, continue to create positive positive energy, and let each other truly experience the infinity of life Therefore, I deeply feel the peace in my heart, continue to grow the power of inner harmony, and then live with joy and love.
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所以,只有感覺到自己給予自己全然的愛並察覺自己就是愛時,才能感受到別人對自己的愛,並知曉自己只是活著然後真實成為自己就絕對值得任何無條件的愛。因此,若自己渴望別人以某種方式對待自己,那麼,自己必須首先以自己想要的方式對待自己;當自己無條件的善待自己而感受到完整的愛時,才會完全相信自己是值得愛的,然後,才能允許自己接受並感受生命中所有任何無條件的愛。只有先全然地愛上自己, 別人才會愛你,然後,成為愛、感受愛,同時知曉自己一直都是被深愛著,遠遠超乎自己所能想像的…
Therefore, only when you feel the total love you give to yourself and realize that you are love, can you feel the love of others for yourself, and know that you are just alive and truly become yourself, which is absolutely worthy of any unconditional love. Therefore, if you want others to treat yourself in a certain way, you must first treat yourself the way you want; when you treat yourself unconditionally and feel complete love, you will fully believe that you are worthy of love. , And then you can allow yourself to accept and feel any unconditional love in your life. Only when you fall in love with yourself completely, others will love you, and then become love, feel love, and at the same time know that you have always been loved, far beyond your imagination…
Unconditional Love For You. We Are All Complete!
Copyright ©BIOVIERA
Allow people to live free world
Allow the world to be big enough for everyone to live freely and comfortably in the way they love
Always allow others to freely choose what they desire, and fully accept them to live as they desire
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如果自己希望感受到更多愛、更多尊重— 當你向外尋找時,會找不到任何人或任何事能讓你持續體驗到你真正想要的感受;而當你明白自己才是自己生命中的真正主人,自己主導並創造著生活的所有ㄧ切,你就會對自己的幸福負責,然後選擇釋放任何 ‘’向外尋求愛‘’ 的念頭,轉而只是沒有條件的接納、欣賞和疼愛自己,因此會在內心持續感受到更多源源不絕對自己的尊敬與愛,進而明白自己早已擁有了原先在外忙碌找尋的愛。
If you want to feel more love and more respect, — when you look outward, you won’t find anyone or anything that allows you to continue to experience the feeling you really want; and when you understand yourself You are the real master in your own life, you dominate and create everything in your life, you will be responsible for your own happiness, and then you will choose to release any thoughts of “seeking love outward” instead of just being unconditional. Accepting, appreciating and loving yourself, so you will continue to feel more love and respect in your heart that is not absolute to yourself, and then understand that you already have the love you were busy looking for outside.
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By first loving all of what you are really like, and in the process of unconditionally respecting, accepting, appreciating and loving yourself, you have perfectly created an endless stream of love for yourself in your life, because these qualities will attract more and more people. The resonant people and conditions reflect these mirror images to yourself, allowing yourself to live in love forever, and at the same time sincerely establish a caring and harmonious relationship with others, continue to create positive positive energy, and let each other truly experience the infinity of life Therefore, I deeply feel the peace in my heart, continue to grow the power of inner harmony, and then live with joy and love.

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